For Sale

Please review our sales policy before contacting us about purchasing a goat. We appreciate your business and hope you’ll join our extended goat family. Happy goating!

Does for Sale

S1 – Montana Show-Me Storm’s Brew’N, $350

DOB: 3/13/2024

S2 – Montana Show-Me Taken By Storm, $350

DOB: 3/13/2024

S5 – Montana Show-Me Mint to Be, $350

DOB: 3/13/2024

S8 – Montana Show-Me GraceUnderFire (name pending) $400

DOB: 3/16/2024

S10 Montana Show-Me Starry Night, $450

DOB: 3/18/2024

S23 – Montana Show-Me Who’s UR Daddy, $350

DOB: 3/24/2024

Montana Show-Me Briar Patch and her doeling, Montana Show-Me Gimlet (name pending) – $750 as a pair, available at weaning

Briar’s DOB: 5/26/2022

Gimlet’s DOB: 5/14/24

Montana Show-Me Twisted Sister – $300 – Can be exposed to one of our bucks before leaving

DOB: 1/21/2021

Montana Show-Me Nehi – $300 – Can be exposed to one of our bucks before leaving

DOB: 1/21/2021


Bucks/Wethers for Sale – Unregistered Bucks $150, Wethers $75